Workshop : translate the poetry of Karin Karakaşlı

Karin Karakasli c Aras Yayincilik

Sunday 22 September
10.30u - 12.00u

Price: Gratuit / Gratis / Free Language: French / Dutch / English Location: Mezzanine

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Canan Marasligil


Come and test your translation skills! You don’t have to know Turkish. Collective poetic translation and discussion about imagination and language.

Around a large table, the audience is invited to translate Karin Karakaşlı's poetry. Participants do not need to know Turkish to take part. The principle is simple: Canan Marasligil, translator, prepares a word-by-word translation of a few poems, introduces the poetess, gives a context to the subject of the poem to be translated and guides the participants. The group translates the poem collectively.

In the end, the translation is of little importance; what's essential is that there is space to discuss language, imagination, cultural context etc., as well as personal experiences, as each person brings his or her own biography to the act of translation.


ve bakma, aslında her kehanet de

bir iç bilgi teyidi

Karin Karakaşlı



but don’t be fooled, in truth, any portent

only confirms what you know inside

Karin Karakaşlı, Feather

traduction : Canan Marasligil


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Our speakers

Karin Karakasli c Aras Yayincilik

Karin Karakaşlı

Karin Karakaşlı, born in 1972 in Istanbul, holds a degree in Translation and Interpretation. Formerly a senior editor and columnist for the Turkish-Armenian newspaper Agos, she now teaches translation and Armenian language and literature, writes fiction and poetry, and contributes columns to Agos and Radikal. Her books include children's novels, short story collections, poetry volumes, and a research book on Armenians in Turkey.
Canan Marasligil self portrait

Canan Marasligil

Canan Marasligil, a multilingual writer, literary translator, and artist based in Amsterdam, is an intersectional feminist committed to challenging dominant narratives and advocating for representation, equality, and diversity, while exploring creativity through various media and publishing The Attention Span Newsletter bi-monthly in email and podcast formats.