Chaque poétesse lira dans sa langue d'écriture et des surtitres seront fournis en anglais, néerlandais et français / Each poet will read in her writing language, and surtitles will be provided in English, Dutch and French / Elke dichteres draagt voor in haar schrijftaal, met ondertitels in het Engels, Nederlands en Frans.
worden we geteisterd door nachtmerries, blazen oudtantes koranverzen over ons gelaat
op de veranda behandelen ze onze geschaafde knieën met as uit de steenoven
vermengd met olie, citroensap en honing – zij zeggen dat het werkt, wij geloven hen
Ceren Uzuner, in de stilte worden dochters geboren
Kimselere söyleme sende gördüydüm ilk
Bir vapurun nasıl eskidiğini
Bir sabaha başlamanın tetiğini
Sonra sonra üç kişiliğimizi öpüşürken
Ocakta taşan sütte yanar gibi
Yine de kimselere söyleme öncesini
Uyanır da alır yanımdan yokluk seni
Gonca Özmen, İTİRAF
Don’t tell a soul that in you first I saw:
Just how a ferryboat grows old
The trigger that sets off morning
Our three persons burnt as we kissed
In the milk boiling over on the stove
Still don’t tell a soul of all that came before
Or nothingness will wake to steal you from my side
Translation: Neil P. Doherty
der kurze weg zum bahnhof ist
der längste weg der reise
was ich kenne
lasse ich zurück
und manchmal setze ich mich so hin
dass die stadt mich verfolgt
und manchmal setze ich mich so hin
dass ich ihr dabei zusehen kann
aus "pinky helsinki" (Notizen)
Lütfiye Güzel, Aus Pinky Helsinki (Notizen)
the short walk to the station
is the longest part of the trip
I leave behind what I know
and sometimes I sit
so the city is chasing me
and sometimes I sit
so I can watch it
while it does
Kimse ilk basmaz bir toprağa
Sırtlanırsın geçmiş ruhları
Tanrılar Tanrıçalar da bir
zaman sen gibi canlardı
İçinden geçer hepsinin gücü, zaafı
Aşağıda toprağın üzerinde
Karin Karakaşlı, Tarih-Coğrafya
Personne ne pose en premier le pas sur une terre
Tu portes toujours sur ton dos les âmes passées
Dieux et Déesses aussi
étaient comme toi en vie
Leurs forces, leurs faiblesses te traversent
Ici-bas, sur la terre
Karin Karakaşlı, Histoire-Géographie
Traduction: Canan Marasligil