Rencontre : Culbuter le malheur

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Saturday 21 September
18.00u - 19.00u

Price: Gratuit / Gratis / Free Language: French Location: Scene


Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse - Modération : Celestina Jorge Vindes


A meeting around the key book (Mémoire d’encrier) marking the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Tutsi genocide in Rwanda. One million deaths in three months. Silences and silences. Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse provides the right words to memorialize through a radical articulation of what is a powerful desire to live in the present, now.


Entre celles qui sont parties

Et ceux qui restent

Ce long déboîtement

De bout en bout

Aube et crépuscule

Trop tôt ou trop tard

Nous sommes les pièces


D'un récit qui s'est trop


Écrit en niant nos légendes

Mots ravalés cris enfouis

Une agonie de papier


Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse, Culbuter le malheur

Our speakers

Photo beata umubyeyi mairesse credit photo frederic founeau 253 1000x1503

Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse

Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse, born in Butare, Rwanda, in 1979, survived the Tutsi genocide and moved to France in 1994. Her first novel, Tous tes enfants dispersés (Autrement, 2019; J’ai lu, 2021), won the Prix des cinq continents de la Francophonie, and her second book, Consolée (Autrement, 2022; J’ai lu, 2024), received the Prix Kourouma. She has also published short stories, poetry, and a children’s book. Living in Bordeaux, Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse is invited to Poetik Bazar for the release of her poetry collection Culbuter le malheur (Mémoire d’encrier, 2024).
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Celestina Jorge Vindes

Celestina Jorge Vindes is behind Pépite Blues, a bookshop celebrating literature from Africa and its diasporas. It's also a space for encounters and exchanges around diverse cultural and artistic creations.