Every day words seep in, conversations held by strangers at a bus stop, on the streetcar, in the supermarket, ... Expressions that often sound aimless and banal on first hearing, but which are trying to tell us something.
Pieter Delfosse has molded an endless series of small talk into a game. In ENFIN/SOIT you can read conversations composed of overheard sentences & puzzle a conversation together yourself. Depending on your mood and appetite, you can have endless conversations.
You can enter your own intercepted sentences in each mode (you can also always press “skip”). There are three different modes. You don’t have to follow them in order, but you are free to choose and switch as you wish.
Mode 1: Go with the Flow Allow chance to combine intercepted sentences from the database into a new conversation.
Mode 2: Conversation Leader In this mode, you can further manipulate the generated conversation by swapping or changing sentences with others.
Mode 3: Word Artist Take control yourself by building the conversation from start to finish using intercepted sentences.