Dialoogworkshop : ENFIN/SOIT

PB 2023 day2 89 copie

Friday 20 September
13.00u - 15.00u

Price: Gratuit / Gratis / Free Language: Dutch Location: Mezzanine

atelier scolaire / schoolworkshop


Mina Bekova


Every day, words seep in, conversations are held by strangers, expressions that are not entirely familiar to you, a world lexicon, an endless puzzle. During this workshop, we capture these words, conversations, and expressions – and give them meaning using the new interactive website ENFIN/SOIT by writer, theater maker, and actor Pieter Delfosse. We will explore the value of everyday 'small talk' that takes place at the table, on the bus, and in a doctor's waiting room.

Our speakers

Mina bekova

Mina Bekova

Mina Bekova is an English and PKV teacher, with a passion for language and education. A true cinemaphile and avid reader, she draws her inspiration from the rich world of film and literature. Her love for words and stories has led her to give workshops. During her workshops, she shares her knowledge and enthusiasm, encouraging children to experiment with language and find their own unique voice. Her approach is playful and inspiring, emphasizing the fun and power of creative expression. Her goal is to show children how words can connect, inspire and move, and to create beautiful (poetic) works of art together.