Saskia Stehouwer (Alkmaar, 1975) is a poet who writes for a more beautiful world. In October 2014, her debut collection wachtkamers was published by Marmer, and it won the C. Buddingh' Prize in 2015. Saskia's second collection was published in October 2016 by Marmer under the title vrije uitloop.
In June 2019, the compostable collection Bindweefsel (Marmer) was released. This collection is entirely handwritten on handmade paper made from plant residues and fruit waste, and can be placed on the compost heap after reading to re-enter the natural cycle. The collection was published in an edition of 35 copies and is sold out.
Saskia is one of the core members of the Klimatdichters and co-editor of the climate anthology Zwemlessen voor later (Vrijdag, 2020). wonen op de rand van het wonder (Marmer, March 2023) is her most recent poetry collection. Other writings can be found under the heading wonderzoek.