Born in 1996 in Montreal, Juliette Langevin enjoys shouting, taking notes, and watching people live through small catastrophes. She attended high school in the St-Michel neighborhood, stole wine from at least one château in France, and read a few texts in dimly lit bars. She describes herself as a collection professional: stroking soft cats, broken glass in the alley, high heels in the piss, tutus, poems written on the corner of a table or in some beds. At 13, she was a button sorter; at 15, a post-mortem archivist for Nelly Arcan; a wolf-dog tamer in Rawdon; a cleaner in Mile-End. You might find her distributing glitter at a noise show, drying flowers by the trash cans, or covered in silence, holding a book in her hands, in the middle of a party. Under the pseudonym Nina Shulman, she has published several zines. "Fille méchante" is her first book.